Feb 26, 2012

Use Egg Carton to Start Seeds indoors Cheap & Easy!

Fill Cartons with Seeding Soil, 
Spray with water (I added too much water)

Label the inside lid and add 1 - 3 seeds 
per "egg" section
Close lids and add Names on outside. 
Store in water proof container.
Spray with water once in a while.

When they sprout, cut out the individual cups and plant them directly in your garden. You only need to keep the seeds in the egg crates until they sprout, and then you can cut the individual cups out and put them in the ground where you want them to grow. Or transfer to a bigger container. I will be having a plant sale, so I will transfer these over to larger containers to continue to grow for a while. And some I will plant into the ground.

The cardboard of the egg carton will decompose on its own, so no need to take individual plants out of them. I will update on my seedlings, as soon as they start sprouting. ;-)

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